The origin of Arthzasslikus
My life was not extraordinary at first. My very snake-like body guaranteed me an easy life early on and later a high rank in the command structure of my clan. During my childhood, I developed an interest in working with wood and metal. I soon discovered how I could use magic in combination with common items to create interesting (and sometimes even useful) objects. While Yuan-Ti are no strangers to both magical and non-magical means, combining the two is usually frowned upon (Yuan-Ti like to think of themselves as almost perfect, which is incompatible with the necessary trial and error of creating magical items), so I had to keep my experiments secret if I didn’t want to lose the respect of my clan. My favorite item to work on was my armor. High-ranking Yuan-Ti usually have hard enough scales to not wear armor, while I had little to no hard scales above my waist. Because of this, I was very dissatisfied with the quality of the armor I received and often tinkered with it to make it...
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