I Raymond Perigrin Nightshield am the youngest son of the Nightshield family, a noble family known as the shield of the kingdom. From the day of my birth, I was destined to devote my life to the safety of the royal family and its kingdom. Besides my duty, I also had to compete against my two siblings for the position of the family head, as in my family, this is not decided by age but by strength. Being born the youngest of three my sister is 5 years older with incredible talent, and my brother is 3 years older, lazy but intelligent. I had a lot of catching up to do. In my younger years, I was taught how to act as a member of nobility. Later, I got a personal tutors for education, and later for combat training. After trying out a variety of weapons, we found that the sword is the best fit for me. I spent most of my free time playing with the king's daughter, Tiana, who is only one year younger than me and who became my best friend during my childhood. She is the perfect young lady an...
Olaf der Axtwerfer
Olaf Günthersson, geboren auf dem höchsten Berg der Hornesser Berge, war schon seit seiner Kindheit an neugierig alles zu entdecken was er sich nur vorstellen konnte. Egal ob eine seltsame Felsformation am Horizont oder einfach eine Pflanze die er zuvor noch nicht gesehen hatte. An diesem Tag half er seinem Vater beim Holz schlagen um für den Winter vorbereitet zu sein. Sein Vater Günther fällte einen Baum nach dem anderen und Olaf hackte sie in kleine Stücke um diese später im Kamin ver...
The origin of Arthzasslikus
My life was not extraordinary at first. My very snake-like body guaranteed me an easy life early on and later a high rank in the command structure of my clan. During my childhood, I developed an interest in working with wood and metal. I soon discovered how I could use magic in combination with common items to create interesting (and sometimes even useful) objects. While Yuan-Ti are no strangers to both magical and non-magical means, combining the two is usually frowned upon (Yuan-Ti like to...
Horrors of the depth below
As a middle-aged halfling named Simolo, my life has been filled with joy and purpose thanks to my wife, Ruby. Ruby is a skilled healer who serves the Venom guard, and she's not just my partner but also my confidence. We crossed paths when we were both new in town; it was love at first sight. Her unwavering support and understanding helped me grow over the year. In return, I do my best to support Ruby in her healing work. In the last two decades, we primarily dedicated ourselves to helping the...
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