The origin of Arthzasslikus
My life was not extraordinary at first. My very snake-like body guaranteed me an easy life early on and later a high rank in the command structure of my clan. During my childhood, I developed an interest in working with wood and metal. I soon discovered how I could use magic in combination with common items to create interesting (and sometimes even useful) objects. While Yuan-Ti are no strangers to both magical and non-magical means, combining the two is usually frowned upon (Yuan-Ti like to think of themselves as almost perfect, which is incompatible with the necessary trial and error of creating magical items), so I had to keep my experiments secret if I didn’t want to lose the respect of my clan. My favorite item to work on was my armor. High-ranking Yuan-Ti usually have hard enough scales to not wear armor, while I had little to no hard scales above my waist. Because of this, I was very dissatisfied with the quality of the armor I received and often tinkered with it to make it...
The unfortunate Beginning of Orist LaCross
Hey, ich bin Oristan, oder kurz Ori, so haben mich meine Eltern immer genannt. Zumindest bis sie vor einigen Tagen vor meinen Augen abgestochen wurden. Wir hatten kein Geld und es musste jeder von uns Arbeiten, damit wir uns etwas zu Essen leisten konnten. Dementsprechend war es damals auch kein Raubüberfall, stattdessen waren die Adern des Täters vollgepumpt mit so ner neuen Droge, wie sie in Steamford jeden Tag neu auf den Markt kommen. Hat ihn extrem aggressiv gemacht, bis er letztendlich ...
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