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...You stumble in the dark, feeling your way with your hands. You hope to find a door, a window, anything that could lead you out of this nightmare. But all you touch is cold metal and wires. You realize you are in some kind of bunker, buried deep underground. You wonder who put you here, and why. You hear a faint sound, like a beep. You follow it, hoping it is a sign of life. You reach a wall, where a small screen is blinking. You press a button, and the screen lights up. It shows a message: "Welcome to Project Genesis. You are one of the lucky survivors of the nuclear war that wiped out most of humanity. You have been in cryogenic sleep for 50 years, waiting for the surface to become habitable again. Your mission is to rebuild civilization and restore hope to the world. Good luck." You stare at the screen, shocked and confused. You don't remember anything about a nuclear war, or a project called Genesis. You don't even remember your own name. You wonder if this is some kind of ...

Les vacances

You have always dreamed of visiting Paris, the city of lights and love. You are so excited when your parents surprise you and your sister with a trip to France for the summer holidays. You pack your bags, grab your passport, and hop on the plane with a smile on your face. The first two days are amazing. You see the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, the Notre Dame, and other famous landmarks. You take selfies, eat croissants, and enjoy the culture. You and your sister get along well, despite your usu...

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